Where does your donation go?

Cancer and ALS treatment costs (95%)
Free medicine access information (5%)
Cancer and ALS treatment costs
Although we can help patients access medicines for many conditions, cancer and ALS are especially time-sensitive.
That's why we are currently only using donations to fund access to novel cancer and ALS treatments for patients who cannot afford them and who are based in countries where these treatments are not yet available.
Your donation is used to partially or completely cover patients' medicine costs, as well as shipment or importation fees required to deliver the medicine to them.
How do we distribute financial support?
We're not a bank. We're not a lottery. And we don't want to play God.
That's why any cancer or ALS patient can request funding from us, based on their self-reported inability to afford treatment.
We distribute available funding on a first-come, first-served basis.
Free medicine access information
The Everyone.org platform is the engine that makes access to unapproved medicines possible for everyone. But for patients to access a medicine, they first need to know that it's an option.
Together with the platform, we create and maintain a vast resource of free information on new medicine approvals and medicine access. It helps patients and doctors everywhere learn about all their treatment options.
Creating and maintaining this information requires resources. That's why up to 5% of donations may be used to support this activity.